Widespread outages on Snapchat have sent users into a panic, with more than 100,000 glitches reported in the space of a few hours as distraught netizens flocked to other platforms to vent their frustration.
A flurry of problems were reported on the site on Thursday, with outage tracker DownDetector showing nearly 130,000 complaints at their peak. Snapchat’s support team assured that it is “aware of an issue preventing some Snapchatters from logging in,” requesting that users “hang tight” as it works on a solution.
We're aware of an issue preventing some Snapchatters from logging in. Hang tight, we are looking into it and working on a fix!
— Snapchat Support (@snapchatsupport) July 29, 2021
Patience was apparently a big ask for many netizens, however, as hordes of Snapchat users fled to Twitter to gripe about the errors, one sharing a clip of the app repeatedly crashing.“Hurry up, I was arguing with someone,” another user quipped to the site’s support crew.
me trying to open up to someone: pic.twitter.com/6pVybP0cah
— phoebe🦖 (@phoebslynx2) July 29, 2021
it’s been two hours snapchat come on pic.twitter.com/o2kk0XqBiB
— graceee :) (@grace_oxendine) July 30, 2021
#snapchat #snapchatdown
— Kaitlyn Kosmider (@KosmiderKaitlyn) July 30, 2021
Well, it’s been been a couple of hours now. pic.twitter.com/2PoxRDnVvT
the worker at snapchat trying to figure out what he unplugged: pic.twitter.com/eFOWmQmnf6
— 𝓇𝒽𝓎𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶 (@__rhyanna) July 30, 2021