I have this folder on my iPhone that is filled with some of my all-time favorite games that haven’t been updated in forever, games like KeroBlaster, The Incident, Ridiculous Fishing, Slayin, Punch Quest, and more. These games have never left my device and despite not being optimized for today’s iOS devices I keep that folder around in the hopes that someday maybe one or more of those games will get the modern updates they deserve. Most of the time I’m just left waiting and wanting, but every once in a while a super old game will get a surprise update out of the blue, and it sends my heart aflutter. This time around the golden oldie getting updated is AirAttack 2.
You may remember if you hung around these parts in late 2015 when AirAttack 2 first released just what an impact it had on the community. Not only was the game mind blowing in the visuals department, but it offered up a ton of variety in terms of gameplay that you don’t always see in the shoot ’em up genre, and altogether it felt like something that would have easily been a $30 or $40 PS Vita game and nobody would have batted an eye. Instead it was a mobile game that cost all of two dollars, and for the majority of its existence including right this moment, just a single dollar. Crazy. I awarded it our Game of the Week honors when it released and we gave it 5 stars in our original review.
Of course that was the better part of a decade ago, and AirAttack 2 while still quite the looker maybe isn’t as impressive as it was back in 2015. That said I’ve always just loved the whole package, not just the visuals, and have desperately hoped to see the game updated in any capacity to get it looking and playing its best on modern devices. Seeing as its last update was in early 2017 I didn’t have a lot of hope, so it was extra shocking to see AirAttack 2 get an update this week. The game now properly supports full screen devices, the campaign seems to have been reworked a bit with new side missions added, an entirely new plane is now available along with new skins for existing planes and wingmen, and more.
As best as I can remember, the developer behind AirAttack 2 (and its excellent predecessor AirAttack HD, which is sadly no longer on the App Store) was just a couple of people, and I think nowadays the entire project is handled by just one of those people. It’s a real sign that this is a labor of love that someone is still out there putting in the work to keep this game alive, even if it did take 6 years. Best of all is that not only do original fans like myself get to re-experience AirAttack 2 all over again with some shiny new features, but now brand new players who missed it the first time around can experience it as well, which is a wonderful thing. There’s 7+ years of discussion about it in our forums, and as I said the game is currently just a dollar, so you know what to do.