Following yesterday’s showcase of the game’s mobile-optimized active time battle combat system, Square Enix released another video for Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis (). This video goes into crafting, upgrading, summons, materia, and more with limit breaks also shown off. As a compendium game, I’m curious to see how Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis will handle its content rollout since there’s a lot to cover across the original game, spin-offs, remakes, and other media. Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis releases on September 7th worldwide for iOS and Android. Watch the Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis new gameplay video with crafting, upgrading, summons, and limit breaks in the Tweet below:
Introducing the Game: Enhancement and Growth
Enhance weapons and materia with items, synthesize materia using recipes, strengthen characters and summons, and learn new limit breaks through the statstream. #FF7EC #FF7EverCrisis #FF7
If you’d like to play Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis at launch on September 7th, you can pre-order it on the App Store for iOS here and pre-register for it on Google Play for Android here. Check out the official website for Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis for more information about pre-registration rewards. I assume we will get one final trailer before the game launches with a tease of something new in the story pre-launch. Will you be trying Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis when it launches on September 7th for iOS and Android?